How to create a charcuterie platter


Charcuterie might have originated from the need to preserve meat before refrigeration, but the name now signals something far more delicious: salty, highly flavoursome nuggets of cold meats, most often pork. And while the origins are French, many of the most delicious components can be Italian in heritage. Think of a carcuterie plate as the meaty version of a cheese board - delicious! Here's how to put the perfect one together...

Add some sausage

A smokey, preserved sausage is a robust part of the plate, and an absolute essential. It also bulks things up a bit - perfect for a hungry crowd. Our Italian salame cacciatore or spanish chorizo bites are both great options.

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Pick a pate

A delicious, creamy pate adds a different texture to the plate, and something to smear on bread or crackers. Depending on how many people you're serving, you might want two different varieties: our chicken liver pate and farmhouse platter are equally tasty options. 

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Use a variety of meats

Three or four meats, either thinly sliced or served in chunks, form the basis of your plate. We suggest a mix of any of the following: parma ham, prosciutto crudo, mortadella, or salame napoli. Or, make it even easier and buy our Italian Antipasto Selection, where we've done the work for you. Arrange these loosely on your favourite board or platter. 

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Include a sharp, tangy bite

With all the rich, heavy, meaty flavours on the board, you'll want something astringent and sharp to cut through. PIckles and olives are perfect options - especially if marinated in olive oil, lemon and a little chilli. 

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Finish off with bread

Good bread is essential - it rounds off the plate, and acts as a vehicle for carrying the pate and meats. Choose something nice and chewy - our Heat and Eat range is perfect here.

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