Behold: the 3-ingredient brownie

These brownies need only 3 ingredients (true story!) and they are delicious. The sauce is extra, but then that makes them even more perfect for Valentine’s Day,  which is not a time to think small, after all.  


Easiest ever chocolate brownies:

To make the brownies, combine 4 large free range eggs with 2 cups flour. Stir well, then add 2 ½ cups Nutella. Pour into a lined baking tray and bake at 180°C for 45 minutes to an hour, until set but still gooey. Leave aside to cool.

You could enjoy these as is, or add a chocolate ganache: Heat 1 cup of cream, remove it from the heat and add 2–3 slabs of our favourite De Villiers chocolate. Stir to combine and allow to set a little, then slather all over the brownies. Decorate with fresh berries and bits of chocolate thins.

Not keen for baking?